A Job at DB Schenker is: A job like no other.With a dense worldwide network of 95,000 logistics specialist in more than 130 countries, DB Schenker is one of the leading global integrated logistics providers offering comprehensive supply chain management solutions, efficient air, ocean, rail and land transport, as well as contract logistics from a single source.德铁信可是全球首屈一指的综合物流服务供应商之一,拥有密集的全球服务网络,我们在全球130多个国家共有95,000多名专业物流人员,竭力为各行各业客户提供高效快捷的空运服务、海运服务、铁路及陆路运输服务、合约物流服务及供应链管理解决方案。In 1966, DB Schenker opened its first office in Hong Kong started with international transport services and entered Mainland China in 1979 as one of the first internal forwarders. Today, more than 5,000 logistics specialists operate in over 60 main cities throughout china to ensure reliable logistics services for your business.1966年,德铁信可正式进军香港市场,成立了首家分公司,开始在中国发展国际运输业务。1979年,德铁信可开创历史先河,成为首批进入中国内地市场的主要国际货运代理商之一。发展至今,我们已在全国60多个主要城市设立了办事处,拥有员工近5,000名, 能够 为您提供可靠的物流服务。Schenker represents a strong unit in the global logistics market and complement their own individual strengths in the important markets around the globe. As the logistics powerhouse, we offer our customers a wide array of multi-modal and value-added services, as well as more integrated supply chain solutions than ever before.No. 1 in European road transport and railNo. 3 in global air and ocean freightNo. 5 in global contract logistics德铁信可致力于成为业内的领头军,将以更强大的动力和更优质的服务为客户提供全方位的增值服务以及更加完整的供应链解决方案。我们在世界范围内已经取得骄人成绩欧洲陆路、铁路运输排名第一全球空运、海运排名第三全球合同物流排名第五For more information on Schenker, please see详情请访问公司网站