

黛安芬,这个来自德国的全球知名内衣品牌创立于1886年,至今已经拥有了130年的悠久历史,时至今日,她已经从一个世纪前德国南部巴登符腾堡州的Heubach市一家小小的内衣工厂发展成为总部位于瑞士Zurzach的全球最大的内衣制造商之一,拥有超过43,000名员工,在全世界120多个国家都设有办事处,她正主导着世界内衣行业的发展和流行。黛安芬中国旗下三大主力品牌:舒适优质的Triumph,简约个性的sloggi,奢华优雅的Essence,分别适用不同的目标受众,满足消费者的不同要求。每一个品牌都在坚持黛安芬品牌理念的同时,紧紧把握每季时尚潮流,从而形成自己的独特风格,引领内衣潮流。黛安芬品牌故事被全球***所熟悉的黛安芬,以其流行的设计、精巧的做工、先进的面料,赢得了全世界***的青睐。其标志性的红色商标代表着性感与激情,线条优美的Triumph标志正巧妙地蕴涵了“永战不败”的意义。品位十足的黛安芬皇冠既是魅力的象征,也是鼓舞全球***的中心标志。黛安芬在全球各地设立设计中心,拥有超过200位设计师,分布在全球11个国家,全球化的原料供应和采购,给黛安芬产品以优质的保障。而设立在香港的亚太区总部,针对亚洲***身型打造专属于他们的性感,也使黛安芬成为全球首屈一指的兼有欧洲和亚洲身形产品的国际品牌。为全球***提供舒适、优质、时尚、创新的内衣体验,是黛安芬由始以来的责任与使命。Our manifestoWe are a family-run lingerie maker who have been tailoring *** shape since 1886. We love crafting authentic sensuous lingerie to help women to look and feel their best in every part of their lives. We believe that confidence is an integral part of femininity. It comes from deep within, tapping into all our senses and our soul. Confidence grows with empathy, openness and integrity.Which is why we offer bespoke service and personal advice in our stores. Helping women discover perfect fitting and feeling lingerie for their shape and look. This is why we won’t do advertising that plays to negative or out of date *** stereotypes.Every authentic garment we make is intricately hand-crafted by our expert seamstresses. Telling the story of the experience we have learnt over the last 125 years. Blending classic craftsmanship with pioneering technology and sensual materials.



